Eczema is the name for a group of inflammatory skin conditions that cause itchiness, dry skin, rashes, scaly patches, blisters and skin infections. There are different types of eczema like atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis.
Eczema almost always includes itchy skin. For many people, the itch can range from mild to moderate. Some of other symptoms includes; Dryness, sensitive skin, Inflamed scaly patches, Oozing or crusting skin. For lighter skin, eczema can present as red, inflamed skin. For darker skin tones, eczema can present as brown, purple or grey. Itchy skin is the most common symptom of eczema.
causes of Eczema:
There is no “main” cause of eczema. In fact, there is at least one cause, if not more. Some of the most common causes are a family history of eczema, being exposed to certain environmental triggers like sand, carpet, viral infection, heat chemicals, artificial colours, preservatives, perfumes or soap and stress.
Eczema Flare-Up Management:
Depending on age of the person and severity of the eczema as well as individual preferences, treatments include
Medical grade moisturizing creams
Corticosteroid topical and systemic
Topical Antibiotic in combination with topical corticosteroid (Dr. Aron formulas are one of them)
Phototherapy (also known as light therapy)
Prescription medication
Preventing Eczema Flare-Up;
Some recommendation are;
moisturising daily
avoiding your triggers
making sure your baths and showers aren’t too hot
rinsing off chlorine from swimming pools straight after swimming
avoiding overheating
not wearing woollen fabrics directly on your skin
To find out more about it Eczema please check Australian Health advise here or talk to your Pharmacist or GP.
We offer a range of medication in our pharmacy including topical Antibiotic in combination with topical corticosteroid (Dr. Aron formulas).
For more information please contact us